Trademark in Pakistan
What is Trademark? Here’s everything you need to know. Being a successful businessman is not just about coming u with an innovative money-making idea, but it has equally got to do with coming up with ways to protect that million-dollar idea too. Speaking of protection, registering your trademark protects your brand and business from all sorts of infringement attempts and secures you in your pursuit of growth and success. Trademark is basically a word, design, or a word + design mar that distinguishes your brand from the rest and protects it from infringements and duplication. Be it Nike’s tagline “Just do it” or Apple’s bitten apple logo, these are just two of many trademark examples out there. Trademark in Pakistan besides giving protection toys our brand also makes it unique and distinct. Your brand or products become your signature and specific to you. You may find a crispy chicken burger in every other fast food but the nameZinger is specific to only KFC and whosoever uses th...